
Teaching Evidence Based Practice in Ayurveda

Science-Based Evidence Based Ayurveda ( SBEBA ) is a new paradigm for performing scientifically standardised clinical practice by the Ayurveda practitioners for the first time in the history of Ayurveda.SBEBA de- emphasizes unsystematic beliefs, self and shared experiences with medicines and treatments ,intuitions and empirical observations in patients and data sheets as sufficient grounds for clinical decision-making in Ayurveda and stresses the knowledge and practice of inbuilt logics and algorithms of Ayurvedic science in their place. The practice of SBEBA requires new and improvised knowledge and skills for learning and comprehending Ayurvedic scientific literature and its optimized mode of translation into the unique patient environment.
An important goal of SBEBA education is the practice of systematic and Precision oriented Ayurvedic Science-Based Medicine (SBM) in place of the current unsystematic and unscientific practice of Tradition oriented beliefs and experiences.SBEBA is thus an important mandatory tool for social justice by Ayurveda. It has immense potential to save man-days and thus improve the national and global economy.SBEBA has also a prominent role in national healthcare policy-making by implementing its inbuilt tools and methodologies based on the science of Ayurveda to inform the clinical decisions of physicians in a science-led standardized manner.
The clinical decisions are to be entirely based on evidence. But the evidence is to be based on precision logic in the Science of Ayurveda as Ayurveda is fundamentally a deterministic Science and Science led Medicine and not Probabilistic unknown compound-led data-oriented practice. Hence the best proof to demonstrate the scientificity and potential of Ayurveda is possible only by the inevitably sensible application of the science of Ayurveda. The most valid evidence to demarcate Scientific Medicine and charlatanism is the basement knowledge of Ayurvedic science itself which are transparent and reproducible in every period. 

Teaching in Ayurveda 
It is important that professional education of Ayurveda is to be redesigned and optimized by the knowledge of principles and practice of Science-Based Medicine in place of existing unsystematic Eminence Based Medicine or Experience Based Medicine. For that, the faculties of all disciplines should be first and foremost passionate in their system of practice and again for that they require continuous orientation programs to understand and apply science-based principles and algorithms. Learning science and acquiring professional degrees is what is happening today but to become an effective faculty or clinician beneficial to society as a medical professional/ faculty, one has to acquire the accurate comprehension of Shaasthraarthas ( the true intention of scientific verses) explained in Samhitas of Ayurveda and their sensible application. This is never taught and demonstrated ever in Ayurveda colleges and hence the existing curriculum is emerging medical graduates as diffident slaves who cannot even take care of the healthcare needs of themselves and their families. Here are the crucial necessities for Ayurveda faculties to become worthy for their students and society:

a. Faculties should possess sufficient clarity and objectivity in the concepts of this science that they teach and are supposed to train. If they cannot quickly explain and simplify the core principles and basics of the science of Ayurveda to their students, the students will never be able to grasp the intentions of what the faculties are delivering in class. Everything merely appears as stories and not Science and this is what is happening today.

b.Questioning to check the understanding of students in a particular topic is to be done by the faculties .instead of asking to reproduce verses alone ( learning scientific verses and byhearting them are also crucial but comprehending their real intentions and sensible application is vital). Hence applied questions are to be asked to students to encourage to develop a scientific temper in them which will uplift their true professional spirit.

c.Graphical representations - Codes, mind maps, and flow charts after teaching science help to summarise what they have grasped sensibly without losing the interrelationship between the different components. This will enable them to keep their comprehension of the topic alive in their brains.

d.Practice " Right" things-The scientific knowledge in Ayurveda is entirely practical and not crude and abstract theories and hence Ayurveda is a complete science. Hence students of BAMS itself should be constantly practicing what they are taught and demonstrated in a realistic patient environment, constantly verifying and analyzing the results of the same from time to time with simultaneous analysis of concepts and their logical application. This process is intended to scientifically sharpen and culture their intelligence and systems thinking technically termed " Shaastraarthakarmaanusheelana" which is inevitable to become a scientific practitioner( Bhishak) of Ayurveda.

e. Feedback to students on their particular tasks instead of praise- Today faculties are seen praising students mostly with vested interests and motives. If a faculty is genuinely interested in the intellectual progress of students, they care to recognize the individual strength and flaws with identical minds and advocate highly specific and specialized personalized strategies for their intended knowledge and progress. Thus they help students to develop integrity, professional spirits, and confidence in their system of Medicine.

f. Tasks to improve productivity- Quiz, workshops, debates, and different publishing initiatives will be constantly encouraged for students to incorporate problem-solving skills which serve as motivation for students in their process of learning and evolving 

SBEBA is oriented based on the above kind of approach to emerging scientific practitioners in Ayurveda in place of current medicine prescribers and sellers. Ayurveda is Science-Based Medicine and not Medicine Based Science and healing ( responsibility) and not mere prescribing ( duty) is strictly advocated for Ayurveda physicians by the ancient Ayurveda scientists. Continuous learning, research, teaching, and practice and simultaneously required for an Ayurveda physician for his constant intellectual upliftment to do sensible practice and justice.


Science Based Evidence Based Ayurveda (SBEBA) is a scientific innovative diagnostic and treatment methodology developed after more than ten years of intense basic and clinical research by the proponents Dr. Rajkumar KC, MD PhD(Ayurveda) and Dr. Remya Krishnan MD ,PhD ( Ayurveda)

Associate Professor and Head of the Department
Department of Clinical Pharmacology

Rajiv Gandhi Ayurveda Medcical College,
( Govt. Of Puducherry Institution), Mahe

Associate professor and Head of the department
Department of Diagnostics

Rajiv Gandhi Ayurveda Medcical College,
( Govt. Of Puducherry Institution), Mahe

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